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“We had a kumzitz with Dr. Mendel and it was amazing! he struck a chord with them and had them learning songs and singing along. It was like Carelbach meets Abie Rotenberg. They all wanted CDs and were singing the songs for the next few weeks trying to relive the experience. The songs are fun, thought provoking and catchy. They were laughing at some of the humor and trying to catch on as well.”

Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Salfer, Yeshiva Doresh, Miami


“Mendel Singer is a great performer, whose songs and stories made for a special and moving evening for our diverse audience of Jews of all stripes and ages.”

Rabbi Sruly Koval,  Jewish Family Experience,  Cleveland


“Mendel Singer’s unique musical approach to Jewish themes reflects his formidable songwriting skills and incorporates his passion for Jewish life and observance. This is not the music you learned in Hebrew school or Sunday school, it is a refreshing contemporary interpretation of Jewish themes presented with a modern, Nashville-influenced sound.”

Shawn Fink, Shalom America!


“Music with a message. Breath of fresh air on the Jewish music scene”

Ben Bresky, host of Israel Beat, Arutz 7 – Israel National Radio


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